
Welcome to At Prep

We are devoted to your education and success

Welcome to At Prep

Welcome to AtPrep Education, where your academic journey is guided by excellence and expertise. At the heart of our educational philosophy lies the dedication and passion of our founder, Mr. He, whose extensive teaching and college consulting experience spans over a decade. With a profound commitment to personalized education, Mr. He has been instrumental in shaping the futures of countless students, guiding them towards achieving their academic and personal aspirations.

At AtPrep Education, we take immense pride in the success of our students. Our alumni network spreads far and wide, with students gaining acceptance into some of the most prestigious colleges and universities across the United States. Each acceptance letter is a testament to our tailored approach to education, rigorous academic preparation, and the deep-seated belief in the potential of every student who walks through our doors.

Our Community

At AtPrep Education, we believe in the power of giving back and fostering a spirit of community within and beyond our classrooms. Our commitment to community service is woven into the fabric of our educational philosophy, reflecting our dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are prepared to make meaningful contributions to society.

We take pride in our unique mentorship program, where knowledge transcends traditional boundaries. Our older students embark on a journey of leadership and personal growth by offering mentorship to their younger peers. This initiative not only reinforces their own understanding but also cultivates a supportive and collaborative learning environment where students can thrive together.

Understanding the importance of practical, hands-on experiences in shaping compassionate, socially aware individuals, we actively refer our students to local community service opportunities. By engaging with local organizations and initiatives, our students gain invaluable real-world experiences, develop a sense of social responsibility, and learn the importance of contributing to the community that nurtures them.